The Piedmont Mosquito Abatement Plan involves various initiatives, some are directly managed by the Piedmont region through IPLA S.p.A, its subsidiary. However, others are delegated to local authorities that can adhere voluntarily to it. Consequently, they then receive 50% co-financing of what is eligible and spent, as stipulated in the Regional Piedmont Law of 24 October 1995, n.75 (L.R.75/95).
For an applicant to be eligible for funding, it must meet certain criteria. Firstly, it must have an integrated management system mindset, with its focus being on the prevention and larvicidal treatments.
It must also conduct a preliminary study of the territory and its criticalities, effectively monitor the results, and use scientifically based methodologies.
With the DGR no. 14-13100 of 25.01.2010, the Regional Council approved the instructions for the enforcement of the Regional Law 75/95. This law allows local authorities to request financial aid for the fight against mosquitoes in order to protect the health of citizens and improve the quality of life in these infested areas. The instructions provide guidelines on how to implement the interventions from both the administrative and technical-scientific aspects, as well as the application form. The DGR no.16 1035 of 21.02.2020 amended the DGR no. 14-13100 of 25.01.2010 especially with regards to submitting applications for assistance. The deadline has now been officially set for the 15th of December of the year preceding that when all interventions must be executed.
When a project is presented by a local authority (essentially Municipalities) or a group of them, and meets all the criteria, which is stated in the Regional Law L.R. 75/95, financial aid is given by the Piedmont region.
In the first year, an accurate study of the territory to determine what species of annoying mosquitoes are present (monitoring), and the main sites where they develop (mapping of larval breeding sites) must be carried out.
In the second year, diverse activities will be dedicated to the prevention (remediation of breeding sites), larval treatment, or eventually adulticide treatments. Contemporarily, as the disinfestation is underway, mainly in the public sphere, information and dissemination programs will be planned for the public and for specific sectors (tire companies, plant nurseries, etc.)
As required by the Regional law L.R 75/95, the treatments shall preferably be the larvicidal type and involve the use of biological products, in order to have the least possible impact on the environment.
2021 Active projects:
Since WHO declared Italy "malaria free" (1970), mosquitoes acting as vectors for diseases in our country have been drastically reduced. Since then, and for the following forty years, the mosquito control activities were only concentrated on the nuisance they caused. However, in recent times, due to the increasing presence of mosquitoes from exotic areas and emerging diseases, the mosquito’s role as a vector has now returned to the foreground of concern.
For this reason, a "Unified regional project for information and monitoring the spread of vectors of human and animal diseases carried by mosquitoes" has been developed that schematically provides for the following activities:
Activity | Attività | Descrizione |
Native species |
Invasive species |
West Nile and Usutu viruses |
Imported viruses |
Sites at risk |
Intervention protocol |
For citizens |
By category |
Monitoring techniques |
Control methods |
Related links
- Pagina dedicata alla Lotta alle zanzare dell'Assessorato alla Sanità della Regione Piemonte
- Pagina dedicata alla Normativa in materia di Lotta alle zanzare
- Legge regionale n. 75 del 24 ottobre 1995 “Contributi agli Enti locali per il finanziamento di interventi di lotta alle zanzare"
- DGR 62-3572 del 19/03/2012, Approvazione delle nuove istruzioni per l'applicazione della L.R. 75/95
- Nuove istruzioni per l'applicazione della L.R. 75/95 e s.m.i. relativamente ai contributi agli Enti locali per il finanziamento di interventi di lotta alle zanzare
- Domanda per assegnazione di contributo per interventi di lotta biologica integrata alle zanzare
- DD n. 738 del 17 luglio 2020 L.R. 75/95 e s.m.i. Affidamento ad IPLA S.p.A. dell'incarico di coordinamento e gestione di iniziative di lotta alle zanzare, anno 2020. Approvazione del Progetto Regionale Unitario di prevenzione, sorveglianza e risposta alle patologie umane e animali veicolate da zanzare e altri vettori e dei progetti in ambito urbano presentati dagli EE.LL.
- DD n. 568 del 22 luglio 2019 L.R. 75/95 e s.m.i. Affidamento IPLA incarico di coord. gestione lotta zanzare anno 2019. Approvazione Prog. Reg. Unitario informazione, monitoraggio, contrasto diffusione vettori di patologie veicolati da zanzare, Piano ricerca/sviluppo e progetti urbani presentati da EE.LL.
- DGR n. 32-7220 del 13 luglio 2018 - Approvazione del programma regionale delle attivita' di lotta alle zanzare per l'anno 2018
- DGR n. 58-5385 del 17 luglio 2017 - Approvazione del Progetto Regionale Unitario di contrasto della diffusione dei vettori di patologie umane e animali veicolati da zanzare, del Piano di ricerca e sviluppo e dei progetti di lotta urbani presentati dagli EE.LL.
- DGR n. 45-3353 del 23 maggio 2016 - Approvazione del Progetto Regionale Unitario di contrasto della diffusione dei vettori di patologie umane e animali veicolati da zanzare, del Piano di ricerca e sviluppo e dei progetti di lotta urbani presentati dagli EE.LL.
Last modified: Apr 2021